Asia Peace Conference

About the Asia Peace Conference

On January 21, 2020, the Genron NPO launched a historic initiative aiming at building a sustainable peace in volatile Northeast Asia with experts and former officials from Japan, the United States, China and South Korea. Having conducted extensive dialogue with China towards sustainable peace and stability in the region through its Track 1.5 Japan-China dialogue, the Genron NPO will begin a new endeavor to contribute to peace and stability in the region.

With the Asia Peace Conference, we aim at building a Track II multinational platform for joint efforts to contribute to maintain the peace and the future development of frameworks for supporting sustainable peace and stability in the region. This is an attempt to open the discussions by starting at the non-governmental level to build an environment for future formal processes. By launching a new multinational platform for candid discussion involving the United States and China on regional crisis management, management of hotspots, and visions and norms for the future of a peaceful order in a structurally unstable Northeast Asia, we aim to contribute to an environment for future formal processes towards sustainable peace in the region.

Launching Member of the Asia Peace Conference
